Inner Healing Retreats

Inner Healing Lakeside Retreat

At beautiful Lake Lanier, Gainesville, Georgia

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of life and wondering if this is “All there is?”

Are you re-playing the same old tapes in your mind over and over of why things (life, job, relationships, etc.) didn’t go differently? Are you depressed, sick in your body, and overwhelmed?

Is your marriage stuck? Do you find your arguments are about the same old thing over and over? Do you have issues that continue to haunt your marriage?

Do you find yourself wondering who you are and why you were created? Have you been crying out to God to help you? If so, here is your answer!

It is time to drop all of that old baggage and uncover your very best self!

Sometimes we just need to get away in a beautiful, quiet, serene environment to reset our heart and mind. But often, that’s not possible. There are always people around, and the world is loud, and busy! And if we do get away, we often don’t know how to reset. So, we come back home, and the same old thoughts, pains, and heartache come crushing back in again.

We understand! And we can help! We will provide the tools to help you walk away from hurt once and for all in a beautiful, serene environment.

We are preparing a three-day retreat opportunity just for you to work through issues of your heart that have you stuck, abused, misunderstood, lonely, and alone. (Just to name a few!)

It is time to trade your baggage for luggage so you can move into who God created you to be! No more broken-heartedness, no more despair, no more sickness, no more shame, no more being stuck. It’s time to shed all of that and learn a new way of living your best life. If you’re not living in joy and peace and in the rest of the Holy Spirit, then you’re not living your best self.

Our three-day retreat is created especially for individuals and/or couples and church groups to help you break out of your “old” self and burst into the fullness of the identity that God created for you. Don’t miss it!

We offer inner healing retreat opportunities for you to sequester yourself away in a beautiful, serene environment with others much like yourself for the sake of healing your heart! We have a fully trained team to offer insight, testimonies, prayer ministry, tips and training and amazing worship to help move you from lies into the truth of the plan God has for you. We will help you work through the issues of your heart that have you stuck, and have a great time doing so.

Come join us at beautiful Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Georgia!

Pastors and churches — We will commit to ongoing training for your group. We will come alongside you to help you build a healing center in your church and community.

Please contact us if you would like to be updated on our next scheduled retreat.

If you have a group that would like to join us for a retreat, please let us know.