Books by Our Team


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Inner healing trauma healing book

When All Is Lost: A Personal Story of 9/11 Trauma and the Healing Power of Christ – Janet Eriksson

An amazing testimony of how God healed the trauma experienced by this author, who worked across the street from the World Trade Center.

Inner healing book

I Choose Life – Janet Eriksson

God did more than heal her from cancer. Through the process, He also healed her from generational death wish, fear, and self-hatred.

Intercessory prayer book

It Takes a Spark: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Kindling the Fire of Intercessory Prayer in Your Church – Janet Eriksson

Interested in growing a ministry of intercessory prayer at your church? This book, written by a head intercessor, will take you through each step, A to Z.

Christian spiritual legacy book

My Christian Spiritual Legacy Journal – Janet Eriksson

This journal includes 50 prompts to help you share your spiritual legacy. Your loved ones will be blessed to read and cherish your reflections. Makes a great gift for your adults kids as well, so they can begin to write their own spiritual legacy.

Inner healing book

Renewing – Janet Eriksson

Taken from the pages of the author’s “journals with God” through her healing process.

Christian Writing book

Begin Your Christian Writing Adventure – Janet Eriksson

Beginning lessons and prompts to get you started as a Christian writer.

Bible Study for Christian Writers

Personal Bible Study for Christian Writers: 2 Corinthians – Janet Eriksson

A journey through 2 Corinthians, with prompts for reflection and writing, designed especially for Christian writers.

Bible Journaling Book

Journal through the Old Testament – Janet Eriksson

For writers and those who like to journal, experience a creative writing prompt or journal reflection with a verse from each book of the Old Testament.

Devotional writing book

Let’s Write a Devotional – Janet Eriksson

When you finish this book, you will have written a devotional and have lots of ideas for future devotionals.

Looking for more to read? Take a look at Kerri’s Books that she has authored, along with her most Recommended Books.

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