Liminal Space: The Act of Observation

I recently had a session with a friend who started out by saying, “Everything in my world is spinning. I can’t get any peace about anything that is happening in my world.” (It might be important for me to say that this lady has everything in the world to be content. She has an amazing husband, lives a very successful lifestyle, a beautiful career in a field she is gifted in, and two beautiful children … and this is not an exhaustive list of her blessings. I was surprised to hear her say how frustrated she was, and I was intrigued as to what we were about to explore.

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My Testimony about Freemasonry and How It Affected My Life

A guest post by Susan McPherson . . .

I was born into an upper middle class home, never lacking for anything materially, and yet lacking in spiritual freedom. Growing up as a child, I felt like I always had a dark cloud over my head. I was probably not depressed but just kind of sad and empty, no joy. And yet, I had all of my physical needs met.

As a teenager, I sometimes felt I was going crazy. Not knowing what that was or how to cope with it, I just lived with it. Continue reading “My Testimony about Freemasonry and How It Affected My Life”

The Little Secret

Christian inner healing
Photo by Skeeze at Pixabay

A guest post by Karen Castleberry . . .

Frustration, anguish, and shame permeated my being. How could a seemingly insignificant secret cause such pain?

My nephew moved his family of six across the state line for a new job and a fresh start when illness struck. His wife was taking care of their three little ones at home with health issues. My niece was in the hospital alone. And I couldn’t get there to help. My little secret was exposed. I couldn’t drive on the interstate, or for any distance really, without having a full-blown panic attack.

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Wearing a Matter

As many of you may (or may not) know, my son just picked a university!!! Not without many visits, many explorations, etc. that go along with such an important decision.

Finally, we had it narrowed down to two schools. One has an incredible sports program, is more than 36 “driving” hours away from our house, and offered him an incredible scholarship. The second school (and my personal fav) offers an incredible Biomechanics (also sports med but more robotic) program, is only 5 hours away, and offered him an even better scholarship.

In the end, we told McKinley he was the one who was going to have to live with his decision and we would support either. So, the process began. I offered advice (as usual). My suggestion when choosing between one or more options is to “wear it.”

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If you’ve been around me for any amount of time, you’ll know that one of my favorite words is “katartismos.”  This Greek word comes out of Ephesians 4:12 and refers to “fitting together in proper order” (referring to gifts, etc. in the Body of Christ).

Another definition of this word (which is my personal favorite) is “a chiropractic adjustment in the Spirit.”  Many of you experienced this during our most recent retreat.  You will also experience it many times during your ongoing prayer ministry sessions.

Today, however, I would like to introduce you to my new favorite word!!! “Sabbatismos!”  (Ref. Hebrews 4:10.)

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Questioning Everything

Inner healing, identity, and dark night of the soul
Photo by _Marion at Pixabay

Have you ever felt like one day you woke up and everything you believed was in question? I’m experiencing this right now but am quite sure I am not yet even fully awake. So, not only am I questioning all of the things that I have always “known” for sure, but I am also groggy from the process of getting here. It took a lot of upheaval to get me here.

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Inner Healing Time

A guest post by Lisa Baumgarth . . .

My life plan was really unleashed at the Transformations retreat. I sat in session after session listening to women and one man being vulnerable, broken, authentic and open to healing.

I was in a session that broke off years of lies, inner vows, and a lifetime of walls that had protected my heart. A group of women repented on behalf of the church for how I had been hurt by the church, and then they washed my feet. Really, who are these women? They are God’s messengers into a broken world where our heartache, disappointment, inner vows, and generational sins keep us stuck when sometimes we have no idea why.

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A guest post by Shannon Tormoen . . .

One peaceful morning on the retreat, I was having my quiet time down by the lake when something caught my immediate attention. I was looking towards the sun, and through the wooden beams around the deck I noticed cobwebs everywhere between each beam exposed by the sunlight. All the intricate lines and patterns were revealed, creating their own specific detailed designs.

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