Stop the Madness

If there is one thing I have seen more people struggle with, it’s the belief that their sin is who they are. Your sin is not your identity. Your true identity is the exact opposite of the sins you struggle with. Whatever your giftings are, whatever your calling is, the enemy will hit you with the opposite. That’s how the enemy tries to trap all of us, and keep us from walking in our identity, our destiny.

Your sin is not who you are. Don’t stay in that belief. Your parents’ sin is not who they are. Your teachers’ sin is not who they are. The man that molested you, that’s not who he is. The people that hurt you, that’s not who they are. Sin is not a person. It is evil personified. And those people hurt you because they were hurt. That is exactly the cycle the enemy has devised to keep each of us trapped.

Somebody’s got to stop this cycle.

Because if you still live in it, you will open the doors. You’re keeping the doors open for your grandchildren, and thousands of generations. Because these sins come with demons. So finish it today. Jesus has already finished it. You just have to appropriate it and choose to step into His resurrection power.

It’s time to stop the madness.

For your sake, and for the sake of the generations of your family.

How do you stop it?

Your objective, with everything you do, is to separate sin from the people. Because everybody sins. But if you’re not careful, and especially if you have a prophetic gift, you’ll see people as their sin, instead of who God created them to be. You want to be careful to see the sin, and not see the person as the sin.

When you get that, it’s huge. You’ll have an epiphany. Because people are not what they do.

Whatever sin you struggle with, it’s a sin, but it’s not who you are. It’s not your true identity.

Whatever sin other people struggle with – people around you, in your family, at work, at school – that sin is not who they are. It’s not their real identity.

The world would like to tell you that your sin is who you are.

It’s not who you are.

Unless you choose to live there.

When you can separate your sin from your true identity, you can come into the freedom Jesus intends for you. But you have to give that same benefit to everyone else. You have to give that to your parents … before you can come into freedom. Recognize that your parents’ sin is not their true identity. Separate the sin from the people, and ask God to show you who they really are – who He made them to be.

If you don’t do that for them, you will be stuck as well. Because generally our judgments against our parents are what keep us where we are. Our judgments help to create the false identities that we wear.

And you think it’s a right, to hold things against them, but it’s not. You don’t have the right to blame somebody else for your decisions. You can’t blame God. You can’t blame your mom and daddy. You can’t blame the policeman. You can’t blame the teacher.

Well, you can, but you’ll stay exactly where you are.

And I don’t think that’s what you want.

If you are seeking your true identity, you have to get free of those judgments … stop blaming others … and separate people from their sin. See who God made them to be.

Then you will be free to see who God made you to be.