He’s All We Have

“All my hope is in Jesus.”

Yeah, yeah … sounds religious, I know, but the older I get, the more I believe it. Most days, I believe it. Others days, I just want to chunk it all and hit the road. I am learning that overcoming the mundane can be as poignant as overcoming great tragedy. I think Jesus is more interested in how we overcome the mundane than how we overcome great pain.

Sounds crazy, I know, but when I minister to someone who has been through a traumatic event, it is easy to identify and address. We can pinpoint the specific time, place, and space of the trauma, and the paths of healing are not difficult to navigate.

Navigating life is different. Don’t always know where the pain starts, stops, or oftentimes why it even exists. Navigating life can often be like hanging onto the bumper of a runaway truck.

Bumps and bruises are evident AND we still have to interface with others in a somewhat adult fashion. Unfortunately, we feel like we haven’t recovered from one hurdle when we hear the beep beep beep and sense the back tires of life running over us yet again.

As if life doesn’t have enough surprises coming at us, add to it, people. People are disappointing. I always expect the best. And, I think I have pretty good discernment, the reality is, I am constantly disappointed with people. I expect people to be honest, real, and motivated by good. They aren’t. And for some reason, I can’t seem to remember this about others. The most unfortunate part is scripture says that I don’t have the privilege of guarding my heart. UGH…

I wish people were as easy to deal with as dogs. You know what to expect when you see a dog headed your way glaring and growling. People, not so much. I’m not sure if its cynicism or reality but it seems that most people are out for what you can do for them OR, for how you can better their circumstances. I have a friend that once said “No good deed goes unpunished.” I was appalled that he would say that. That was 4 years ago and I have learned that it is most often true. Sadly.

I’ve always looked forward to growing older. I thought life would be easier. At 54 years old, life is disappointing. Sometimes I think kids on the playground have more of a grasp on life than us Oldtimers. Take my Grand for example, she’s 5. She loves everybody and everybody loves her. She has had a few “meanies” at school and she just recognizes who they are and keeps right on going. Most often she even tells them that they are meanies but then she keeps right on truckin. They don’t seem to slow her down one bit. Instead she just buzzes right on her merry way. I wish I could be like that. I’m working on it. It’s hard (Did I mention sometimes I just want to run?) I generally take meanies personally. Unfortunately. People hurt my heart.

As I grow older I am more determined to keep my hope in Jesus. Even though, sometimes, even He can be frustrating. Even in frustration, I know what to expect from him. Good. Whether I like the path He has me on or not, the ending is good. No other option because He is good and He only gives good. Not like his kids. Some of us are “meanies.” He knows and in the end, He will sort it all out. I just have to recognize the meanies for who they are and keep right on going. On my merry way. Music helps. So if you are on the same path, here’s a song to help you along the way. Just try to overlook the meanies and stay focused. ‘Cause, in the end, He’s all we have.

Crowder – All My Hope